Bohemia Bagel Burger bar - Dukelskych hrdinu 48
Bar & Grill

Bagels freshly baked daily, burgers, breakfast all day, salads.

Homemade American-style desserts, free wifi, free calls to USA & Canada.

Customers discounts available for holders of ISIC & ITIC. show this Spy map get u 10% off the bill !
Lázenská 19, under the castle
Daily 7:3o-19:oo
Holesovice - Burger Bar
Dukelských hrdinu 48
, Praha 7
Daily 10:oo-24:oo
Masna 2, Old town
Daily o8.oo- 21.3o

P 7. Dukelskych hrdinu 48

1. (over by Charles Bridge) 2. Tram: 1, 3, 5, 8, 12, 14, 17, 25 Strossmayerovo nam 3. (just off Old Town Square)

Website Facebook Dukelskych hrdinu 48, Prague...